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' transform%3D'scale(1.9)'%3E%3Cg transform%3D'translate(110 106) rotate(183) scale(147 89)'%3E%3Cpath fill%3D'%23d4cedc' fill-opacity%3D'.9' d%3D'M-.5-.5h1v1h-1z' %2F%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg transform%3D'translate(110 22) rotate(273) scale(31.0 182.0)'%3E%3Cellipse fill%3D'%230186ca' fill-opacity%3D'.9' cx%3D'0' cy%3D'0' rx%3D'1' ry%3D'1' %2F%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cellipse fill%3D'%23f0f5ff' fill-opacity%3D'.6' cx%3D'91' cy%3D'218' rx%3D'182' ry%3D'23' %2F%3E%3Cellipse fill%3D'%230079c1' fill-opacity%3D'.8' cx%3D'88' cy%3D'176' rx%3D'182' ry%3D'21' %2F%3E%3Cpath fill%3D'%23610e61' fill-opacity%3D'.5' d%3D'M33.7 150.3 38 55-9.6 72.9-16 164.2z' %2F%3E%3Cellipse fill%3D'%230087ca' fill-opacity%3D'.9' cx%3D'91' cy%3D'250' rx%3D'182' ry%3D'9' %2F%3E%3Cg transform%3D'translate(83 69) rotate(12) scale(43.2 30.3)'%3E%3Cellipse fill%3D'%23a49bbd' fill-opacity%3D'.7' cx%3D'0' cy%3D'0' rx%3D'1' ry%3D'1' %2F%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg transform%3D'translate(181 108) rotate(205) scale(32.9 36.8)'%3E%3Cellipse fill%3D'%23fdfdfc' fill-opacity%3D'.9' cx%3D'0' cy%3D'0' rx%3D'1' ry%3D'1' %2F%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E)
This workbook will help you to succeed thanks to:
Note: This book was edited in 2014, please take note that the test may have eveolved since then. All training activities are still relevant for the latest versions of TCF.

abc TCF
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Get ready for the D-Day! The TCF is a test of French as a foreign language made up of compulsory and optional tests. They take the form of a multiple-choice questioning comprising 80 items presented in a progressive order of difficulty ranging from level A1 to level C2.This workbook will help you to succeed thanks to:
- advice on the essential information to know before, during and after a session
- presentation and information sheets for each variation of the TCF ( TCF, TCF Québec, TCF for access to French nationality, TCF for the request for prior admission)
- skill-based training exercises (oral comprehension, written comprehension, structure of language proficiency, written expression, oral expression)
- specific advice for the written expression and oral expression tests
- a simulation of a TCF which will allow you to reinforce your training, level by level.
- a CD with nearly two hours of sound recordings for oral work
- corrections and transcriptions included for independent work.
Note: This book was edited in 2014, please take note that the test may have eveolved since then. All training activities are still relevant for the latest versions of TCF.