Tell Me A Story

Experience the magic of 5 fabulous tales, featuring evocative music and videos!

Le French Festival presents: Le sport

For this final "Tell me a story" of this season, put on your swimsuits and come applaud the exploits of our paper athletes: a little rabbit unafraid to get wet, a young dancer ready to soar, a determined turtle, some high-spirited elephants, and a tenacious boxer.  A perfect opportunity to immerse in the French language ! After the session, some audience might want to join the coloring session with an image from one of the books, while some of you may prefer discussing a little bit with Grégory.

Pour cette derniere lecture de l'année,  enfilez vos maillots et venez applaudir les exploits de nos sportifs de papier: une petite lapine qui n'a pas peur de se mouiller, un jeune danseur prêt a s'envoler, une tortue plus que déterminée, des éléphants survitaminés et une boxeuse au caractère bien trempée. 

Date : Saturday 8 June, 9.15am and 10.45am

Place : 
Alliance Française de Kuala Lumpur, 15 lorong Gurney

RM20 for AFKL current students
Free for accompanying parents
(sold tickets are non refundable and only transferable to another session of the same storytelling)

Language : French


Book your seats:

Saturday 8 June

9.15am 9.15am

Saturday 8 June

10.45am 10.45am

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