
Our library is the only French resources centre open to the public in Kuala Lumpur.
It offers an extensive collection of French books for kids and adults.
Free access for AFKL students and members.

Opening Hours

Tuesday to Friday: 10am to 6pm | Saturday: 9am to 5pm
Lunch break: 1pm-2pm

Apart from our extension collection of books and media, we also offer Storytelling session for children aged 3 - 7 years old, every 2 months

Any questions? Contact us at 03 2694 7880 or by email.

Borrowing Books Online


Loan conditions

Your AFKL Membership allows you to borrow items for 2 weeks, and renew them for two more weeks. You can renew items by phone or email.
You may reserve items from the Online Catalogue, as well as choose to which centre you would like them to be sent.
Books, Magazines and DVDs:

  • Individual membership : 3 books, 3 magazines, 3 comics, 2 DVDs.
  • Family membership : 6 books, 6 magazines, 6 comics, 4 DVDs.

    Late Returns:
    Please respect our other members and return your items on time. Items must be returned within office hours.


    Get your membership to start borrowing.

    Our Collections

    More than 7000 items!

    • A kid’s corner with novels, non-fiction, comic books, story books
    • More than 500 DVDs (for youth and adults)
    • 14 Magazine subscriptions for adults and kids
    • Novels by francophones and international authors
    • Essays (philosophy, social sciences, art, tourism, history and geography)
    • An online library : CULTURETHEQUE

    Check our Online Catalogue

    Browse all the documents and reserve them, using your account

    Learners Library

    A tool at your disposal to help you to learn French and discover Francophone cultures. The documents are classified into four language levels adapted to the level of the students

    according to the Common European Framework of Reference for languages, indicated on the edge by a colored pellet. The levels are also indicated on the shelves.
    It includes : Novels in easy French, Bien-Dire magazine, French methods, Exam preparations grammar/vocabulary, Novels and youth albums, Dictionaries...


    Free online French library with thousands of  items

    Books for Sale

    A great selection of books and methods for purchase

    Donations Policy

    The library welcomes donations of recent books, DVDs and CDs in good condition. These donations will be added to our collection or given away.

    Please contact our librarians by email to arrange donations.